Delegation can be a difficult and challenging process – yet without it we can easily become stressed and our staff team disempowered and demotivated. Delegation is one of our key sustainable behaviours, it gives us time, stamina and space for the long term achievement of our goals. Delegation means letting go, standing back and trusting – a challenging thing to do when we are still responsible for the outcome of the task. Some of us also feel apologetic about delegation – so we “undersell” the task, some of us just can’t stop saying “yes” and doing it ourselves. If you find it hard to delegate you will benefit from coming along to this course to discover how delegation can free you from tasks that you have outgrown whilst empowering and motivating others.


On completion of this course participants will be able to:

Understand the process of delegation
Recognise the tasks that they could delegate
Empower others through delegation
Delegate in a positive and inspiring way
Devise a delegation plan
Utilise effective interpersonal and coaching skills during the delegation process
Ensure effective outcomes through delegating and coaching
Give feedback in a positive way
Feel good about the process and delegate effectively


Introductions and expectations
Why delegate? Exploring sustainable behaviour
The experience of delegation – a personal perspective
The positive side of delegation – “selling” the idea
Dealing with resistance
Exploring empowerment and motivation
Understanding the process – who, what, how, why and when?
Devising a delegation plan
Coaching skills for delegators
Questioning skills
After delegating
Putting it all into practice
Review and evaluation

Objectives Training and Development was set up by Sylvia Vacher MA BA(Hons) MCIPD FAETC in 1989 to: “Provide training and development services, for both individuals and organisations, enabling them to identify and achieve their objectives in a positive, healthy and fulfilling way” Sylvia believes that the way to achieve this is by identifying and developing Sustainable Behaviours and encouraging Wiser Working at an individual, team and corporate level. Sylvia’s training style is dynamic, participatory and effective.