Category Archives: Definitions


We all benefit from being aware of effectiveness and economy in our working lives.  Avoiding waste and preserving our valuable resources is both empowering and energising.  Using the training forum to identify and develop Wiser Working strategies is time well spent.


Good training is not about constantly imposing new ideas on people; it is not just a “putting in” activity.  It is also a “drawing out” activity, often what people need is already there in their existing ‘toolbox’.  One example of a tool we use is communication, we could decide, for example, to be passive, assertive or aggressive.  Unfortunately we can get into some bad habits and use the wrong tool for the job; these ineffective and unsustainable behaviours can then become embedded and ‘normalised’.  Good training helps us to hold a mirror up to these habits so that we can recognize them for what they are and assess their impact on our effectiveness and that of those around us. We can then decide whether to change and, if so, in what way?  Behavioural change is not easy, but working with unsustainable behaviours can be devastating to both the individual and the organisation in the long term.  We can replace our unwise working practices with wiser working strategies.
The above applies whether we are talking about someone attempting to delegate, to manage his or her stress, handle conflict or, indeed, any other situation he or she may find themselves in.    Assuming we have identified what is not working for us what then can we do about it?  Fortunately we have a helping hand and a myriad of practical tools and choices.  Many others before us have spent time and energy exploring what works and developing ideas, theories and models which can help us explore options and make changes to improve our effectiveness and satisfaction, a new found energy which will filter out from our working day to have a positive impact on our whole lives.
Good training is about providing a space and time for people to reflect upon their practice and identify and develop new strategies and behaviours to help both themselves and those around them to achieve their goals in a more effective way.  Good training results in demonstrable behavioural change; learning reflected in action. Training is not a passive activity, it is not something we consume, it is a forum for exploration followed by direct and positive action.

Good Training results in Wiser Working.


A sustainable behaviour is any behaviour which can stand the test of time. It is a behaviour which takes account of and uses the resources available effectively without drawing on our reserves.  Sustainable behaviours can be both individual and corporate.